
Advertising and Partnership

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Looking for shout out from us? Yes we can help you! Through our instagram and blog we can provide you a spot for advertorial.

We have more than 30k followers and keep growing with an average 650 likes per post. Every month our followers grew up so well with better engagements.

The growth of our blog everyday reach traffic from 180-300 visits per day and we always improving our content to provide the best informative content and review to our readers, so we have chance to improve our visitors everyday.
foodirectory stats

Currently we have 84% new visitor every day with 15% returning visitor. Our blog already been optimized on every post to make it more search engine friendly and it works for almost all our posts. Our top channels for gaining traffic is from organic search which mean the content in our blog will be found easily when you Google it with certains keywords.
foodirectory stats

foodirectory stats

(updated on 8/1/2016)

We give 4 spot for advertising banner which has 2 size: 970x90 and 350x250. Currently we only open for 4 spot through all over page in our website because we don't want to disturb our readers with so many ads in our blog.

Get your limited spot for advertorial banner by contacting us through our email or fill in your inquiry to our form by clicking here.

foodirectory ads
970x90 Banner

foodirectory ads
350x250 Banner

As a feedback we will send you a quotation regarding the advertsing and partnership inquiry. Form inquiry is available on our contact page. Head to our contact page by clicking our logo below.
Foodirectory Ads
Get your inquiry here


foodirectory ad spot